Sunday, January 19, 2025

DCWS Meeting January 14th, 2025

Our First 2025 Meeting

Needless to say, everyone was very happy to see each other again and share the recent news while working on their project. As any weavers are knitting with the yarn they have spun, a few members bring their portable loom if possible, their tapistry or inkle loom. 

Alix showed & told us all about her current knitting project she is working on. She thouth she wouldn't have enough wool but she is confident it's going to be okay. A tapestry loom is also available and can be borrowed by members. 

Many membres are more experienced than others and are happy to share their knowledge to new spinners.

The Guild library has several magazines that can be borrowed, such as Handwoven, Vav, Spin Off, etc.

We encourage anyone interested in fiber arts to come and see what we are up to.

We are meeting the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month (10:00 to 12:00) at the Holy Trinity Church Hall, 1319 Mills Road, North Saanich, BC. Our meeting schedule is HERE