Many of us are finalizing our entries for the Saanich Fall Fair and preparing items for our Show & Sale and the end of September.
Members of the DCWS Guild will be at the Saanich Fall Fair on Sunday, September 1st. Outside the needlework building. Drop by and see what we are up to!
A group of spinners gather at the ArtSea Gallery in Tulista Park, Sidney on Tuesday mornings 10 - noon. All are welcome to join in - bring another project if you don't spin or just come by and get caught up with some Guild members.

DCWS will be featured in the upcoming SeaSide magazine (September Issue)- highlighting our "Fibre Fantasia" show & sale - September 27 - October 3rd.
Our first regular meeting will be September 10th - at the Shoal Centre. New members welcome.
Dues for 2019 - 2020 remain at $65 for the year.
Enjoy the rest of the summer break. See you in September.
Upcoming - Get your Fibre Fix
August 18 - FIBRATIONS - Outdoor fibre craft show
1330 Fairfield Rd - Victoria