Thursday, June 6, 2019

AGM June Meeting

The Deep Cove Weavers and Spinners held their AGM on June 4th and the following members have agreed to serve as the Executive for the 2019-2020 year.

President - Anita Salmon
Vice President - VACANT
Past President - Judy Moores
Treasurer - Alix Lines
Secretary - Elizabeth Dillon
Librarian - VACANT
Programs - Lynda Cavens & Cathy Schuetze
Membership - Suz Labreche
Website - Communications - Jan Ball

We will not be meeting over the summer months, but will hold our informal 'Spinning Group' meetings outside the ArtSea Gallery in Tulista Park, Sidney on Tuesday mornings.  Everyone is welcome to come by and spin, knit or just visit in this great location.
Regular meetings will resume at the Shoal Centre on September 10th.
Members will be working hard over the summer in preparation for:
'Fibre Fantasia'  - DCWS Show & Sale  at ArtSea Gallery on September 27- October 3rd.

The following are some items from the Show & Tell at our June meeting.  Have a great summer, happy weaving, spinning, knitting and all things fibre!

Show & Tell from June meeting:

Avis Caddell - locker hooking

Heidi - Lacy Shawl - from handspun

JoAnne's Handspun Yarn
Lovely Scarves

Anita's  Rep Weave Sample

Elaine's Table Runner
Eileen's Place Matts

Yes they are all the same size!

A muddle of silk

A little patience and a silk scarf is made