Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March Winds bring Warm Fibre Creations

Its been a long winter for us Canadians and it hasn't lost its grip on the wet West Coast of British Columbia.  We are usually doing our annual flower count in February in lovely Victoria.  This year we are watching storm after storm blow our way.   Those of us lucky enough to have Fibre Arts as a pastime are putting our warm woolies to good use and using the 'indoor' days to create new projects.

DCWS organized Victoria's annual 'Spin In', held on February 18th.  Some 80 people enjoyed spinning with friends and shopping at the vendor booths at the Saanich Fair grounds.    A few purchases made it to our March - Show & Tell.   Heres a sampling of the goods ....can't wait to see some of it spun up.

The spinning wheels have been working overtime.  Just look at this lovely handspun by Johanne.

Projects that had been lingering were finished up during our 'productive' bad weather days.

Elaine's Mohair / Wool Blanket

Judy's Towels and Bags

Jan B's Projects

Cathy's Creations

ANWG 2017 Conference is being held in Victoria June 30 - July 2nd. Visit their website for registration and workshop details.   www.anwgconference2017.com   The conference theme is 'treadle lightly'.

Anita has been busy on the ANWG Executive planning committee and still had time to weave up a scarf to wear at the conference.  In keeping with the 'treadle lightly' theme, she made good use of the leftover warp, creating a small purse and eyeglasses containers.
