Saturday, April 2, 2022

DCWS - March 22 Meeting

Alix did a peg loom weaving demontration

Alix showed us a mat she wove using her frameless peg loom with raw fleece. 

The loom is made of two pieces of wood, one with nails and the other with dowels. The warping is done using the nails and the dowels.

Then, he wove the fleece around the pegs. 

After weaving a few rows, she pulled out the pegs one by one to liberate what has been woven and moved it down on the warp. She repeated this operation several times (weaving and moving down on warp).

Here, you can see the loom set-up and the mat she completed using this peg weaving technique.

Thanks Alix for sharing this weaving technique with us!

ANYONE is welcome to attend our DCWS  meetings. Enjoy meeting for friendship, to share a common love of the craft and be stimulated by show and tell, small demos and magazine reviews. Find out about future planned meetings HERE.