Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Winter 2020 Creations

Pretty Felted Angel by Alix
Its February and the middle of winter.  The cold, rain and occasional snow days have kept some of us inside but hasn't stifled the creative juices as one can tell from our Guild's show & tell day.
Judy's Cotton Chenille Hand Towels
Elaine's Cram & Dent Shawl

Judy's Winter White Shawl 
Helen's been experimenting with the knitted Biroche stitch

Anita's Lacey Scarf

Elaine models a knitted Shrug by Helen
A colourful array of tea towels by Elaine

Weavings by Suz

Johanne's beautiful Blanket

Jan B. is thinking ahead to Spring with two lovely Shawls

Dianne is - hooked on 'tea'