Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Happy New Year - January 2019

The Deep Cove Weavers and Spinners Guild held their first meeting of 2019 today.  The room was full of chatter as members got caught up after the holiday break.  Stories were shared and show and tell was a lively affair.  A great meeting and a good start to 2019.

Handmade spindels 

Elizabeth showed off her favourite Christmas gift - spindles made from a special cherry tree.

Johanne's blanket made from re-purposed handspun fibres.  What once were jaunty mens boxer shorts (created for a show) is now a warm blanket.

Isabel demonstrating how to wear her creative knitting project

Elaine - Pretty in Pink Shawl - & tea towels 

Judy's turned taquete towels

Judy's Handspun

JoAnne's special bag & tea towels
Helen's shaker weave samplers

What will become of this lovely dog hair roving?