Our President Judy Moores, thanked members and executive for their support over the past year and she is looking forward to another year as President. Judy noted the Guild has completed its 47th year since being founded by the Deep Cove Weavers Group. A great accomplishment and we thank those original and past members who continue to support the Guild.
DCWS Executive for 2017 -2018
President - Judy Moores
Vice President - Vacant
Past President - Elaine Drader
Treasurer - Alix Day
Secretary - Patty Wilson
Programs - Rosalie Williams
Membership - JoAnne Lemieux
Library - Cathy Schuetze
Website/Communications - Jan Ball
We are looking forward to another year of friendship, learning, and enjoying our chosen craft.
Over the summer we hold a 'social circle' (spinning, knitting,visiting) outside at the Community Art Gallery in Tulista Park in Sidney. Tuesday mornings, starting June 20th 10 - noon - please join us.
Many of our Guild members are involved in the ANWG Conference being held at UVIC on June 30 - July 2nd. Public are welcome to drop by and visit the vendors and view the Guild booths. Details can be found on the ANWG website: www.anwgconference2017.com
Photos from June 'Show & Tell'
Judy's Tea Towels |
Jan K - 'What if" study in stripes |
Anita's Baby Wrap |
Rosalie's wool rug |
Elaine's Blue Baby Blankie |
Eileen's Tea Towels |
Triple Ply - JoAnne |