Thursday, June 9, 2016

Elections and Year End Show & Tell

DCWS held their year end meeting last Tuesday.  The Guild will resume regular meetings on September 13, 2016.  During the summer members can be found spinning and visiting at Tulista Park (outside the Community Arts Bldg) on Tuesday's from 10:00 - Noon.  We welcome anyone interested to drop by and join us.

New Executive for 2016/17 were elected:
President:  Judy Moores
Vice President:  Elaine Drader
Treasurer:  Alix Day
Secretary:  Patty Wilson
Librarian:  Cathy Schuetze
Membership:  Mary Longcroft
Programs:  Sandra Jaycox & Elaine Drader

The DCWS Guild will have a presence at the Saanich Fall Fair.  We can be found in the tent outside the needle works building on Sunday, September 4th.

Reminding our members to work on their summer challenge projects:  "Celebrating"
It will be fun to see what we can create for those special events in life.  Items for our show "Celebrating with Fibre" will be on display at the Sidney Museum during the month of October.

Helen's twice woven rug
Below are some pictures from our year end Show & Tell.   Have a great summer break and we hope to see you in September.

Beautiful and very thick
Johanne and the tale of red yarn
Jo Anne's colourful skein

Elaine's newly dyed fleece

A touch of mohair in this lovely scarf

Eileen's rug

Anita's 'Spot On' scarf

Anita's cute little doll

Jan's ruffled scarf

Judy's pretty blue shawl
Trudy's colourful 'Noro' sweater

Renate's repurposed sweater