Saturday, October 4, 2014

October - Alphabet Soup at the Sidney Museum

October is definitely Art Appreciation Month in Sidney .... Still a few more days to see 'Alphabet Soup' at the Museum in Sidney.  Below is a sneak preview of the wonderful items on display until the end of October!

Deep Cove Weavers and Spinners, Friday Fibre Friends and other contributing artists have put together an amazing show 'ALPHABET SOUP'

The show runs the entire month of October at the Sidney Museum - 2423 Beacon Ave.  Guided gallery tours available Thursdays from 1 - 3.

We invite you to bring your family and friends to see the show and tour the museum.  A few pictures from the show to pique your interest....they are much better viewed in person at the show!!

E is for Elephants
Meet the herd and its companions - Eclectic

U is for UltraMarine Umbrella
Can you spot this umbrella in the painting?

O is for OH!!  Glass & Silk in Orange, Olive and Ochre colours.

B is for Bronson Lace - a weaving pattern used to create this lovely tray cloth

C is for Cast of Characters
Come and meet these interesting ones - Can you spot anyone you know!

 Enjoy the Show!!  Oct 1- 31st.
Sidney Museum